Monday, June 24, 2024

Running away from home

I guess that climate change has turned May/June into August weather.    To review, we have already had a Derecho, which I had to wiki when the weather folks started foaming at the mouth and flapping on the 6:00 news. Multiple monster rain storms with Harvey like totals making its way down the West Fork of the San Jac into Lake Houston bring trash, rising water and the ever popular and always costly dock repairs our way.  Then, most recently Tropical Storm Alberto that  proved that AI is not there yet for predicting landfall…the weather wonks at Space City went old school paper and pencil and got it right.  Put that in the weather blender,  add crazy high temps, with heat indices and bugs-we have packed up the car and left Casa Pickle (add one adult son-George)  for the verdant Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina via the Bourbon Distilleries of Kentucky.  

In the past, I have done all the planning, from A-Z.  Eddie must have either been bored or has not approved of my past selections as he went all in on planning, reservations, bookings and hour by hour itinerary for while we are gone.  I get to be the one that gets in the car and ask where we are going…full on Freaky Friday.  Yeah, yeah, yeah, I could have read the multi paged document, but I figured I would go full Eddie and wait until we are on the road and start questioning his choices.   A side comment on what we bring in the car (as apposed to planes, trains or ships where luggage is weighed and restricted) at this stage of life is ridiculous.  It looks kinda like the Beverly Hillbillies with semi nice luggage and containers..  Stackable, yes…but resembles a Jenga Game when we arrive at night…never mind the repacking the car the next day.  

This is our fourth year to go to the North Carolina.  We go every other year with the family there for we have been doing this for 8 years, despite pandemic and other things that have occupied our attention.    We entertained the thought of purchasing a place there to spend the summers in mild days, cool nights and mountains all around..but the ah ha moment arrived like a hot wet slap in the face. Harvey, forest fires, climate change, grands schedules woke us from that dream sequence…not to mention what has happened to both the real estate and upkeep costs in the same amount of time.  We touched base with a realtor in the area some years back.  We still get almost daily listings.  The increased number of listings looks like there are lots of people who have has the same ah ha moment and reality slapped them in the wallet.  So glad we hesitated.  Speaking of buyer’s remorse…we have counted only 7 RVs, fifth wheels, trailer campers on the road since we left home.  We have seen at least that many RV and/or boat dealers with acres of inventory (new and used based on the signage)…looks like the go go RVing fever has gone.  Wonder if Biden is working on a loan forgiveness program for these folks.  

So, where are we right now you ask?  We are in Lonoke, Arkansas, north of Little Rock off Interstate 40.  If you think I 10 has truck traffic, you ain’t seen nothing until you come to Arkansas….add those special orange barrels (when I am reincarnated I want to owe that business), no shoulders, concrete barriers, you have what the first 400 miles look like.  While there were parts of 59 that had some of these features, Gov. Sarah Huckabee must have called in some big Trump favors when she left the White House.  Those shovel ready projects are all happening in Arkansas.  State must also embrace open carrier-like Glock in holster on hip of a fellow in Burger King north of Texarkana.  His overall appearance did not scream law enforcement nor even rent a cop….more like Bubba vigilante, complete with a phone carrier on his belt.  He was behind Eddie, so George and I were giving each other the “look”…as in the “are you seeing what I am seeing”.  Eddie assumed he had ketchup on his chin…despite numerous inquisitive Eddie looks, we kept the secret until BV (Bubba Vigilante) left the parking lots.  Did not want to be on the 5:00 news of another mass shooting.  Okay, I wrote that line Friday morning.  I looked at the news feed on my phone yesterday afternoon.  15 or more victims in a mass shooting south of Little Rock…yikes, that could have been our guy…or there more than one of the Bubba type in Arkansas.  I guess I need to be more careful of what I write…talk about a poison pin…or loaded words.  

Friday was Groundhog Day, 400 miles of trucks, construction, and massive axel breaking potholes on our overwrought Interstate system through Nashville.  Not to be outdone by Arkansas’ detour over the Mississippi River Bridge, Tennessee made parts of Nashville expansion efforts of said Interstate into an epic traffic jam.  Luckily, our Lady of the car (Waz) took us on an intercity route that made our time in that 10 mile stretch 15 minutes instead of 4 hours.  Our Lady of the car also has saved us money…with lots of “Police Ahead”, which Tennessee must be number one in nation.  Every 20 minutes through the entire state, there has been various law enforcement vehicles and traffic cameras with the “you speed, we take your picture and send you the bill” warning attached.  We will see if Eddie listen the the Lady of the car.  Doubtful.  

Friday night 6:30, a mere 15 minutes behind the printed schedule…remember Nashville back up and a time change in Kentucky to Eastern Standard time, we arrived in Bardstown.  Almost 900 miles of nail biting butt cheek clenching of driving fun.  Upon arrival, we looked at each other and said simultaneously, “our days of long car trips are over”, a classic “this is not a good as it use to be” and “my butt hurts”.  This is what happens when you are married for a long time, two brains or butts become one.  More tomorrow.  


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