Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Bald is Beautiful?

The folks at MD Anderson don't lie...they have too much data/statistics to make up this stuff.  So, at exactly 4:35 CST on Monday, March 19th, 2012, I began losing my hair from chemo.  They said it would begin on the 13th day...and 4:35 would be the 13th day, 5 minutes after I finished my first treatment.  Mind you it was just a few hairs to begin with, a little on your shoulder, a couple in your hand when you absently minded brushed your hair away from you face, a few extra on my pillow by Tuesday morning.  I thought to myself, dang, it has started.  I hoped that it would be slow hair thinning rather than the full blown hair loss at break neck speed.   As Tuesday progressed, I was seeing signs that the hair tsunami warning flags had been posted.  It was kinda like having a dog losing its winter coat, in one day.  By this morning, the hair tsunami had begun and the villagers were fleeing.       Hand fulls of hair were coming out, if I so much as nodded my head, forget brushing it.    The collateral damage to my house and floor was unbelievable.   By 9:00 this morning, I knew that my remaining hair would not see the end of day on my head.  Since I am hosting our girls' canasta this evening, I figured that food prep and hair loss should not be in the same sentence.  My thoughts of slowing thinning to hairless were quickly replaced by solution/damage control.  Ooooo, there I am again, wanting that control stick.    So, I showered and washed my hair one last time, put my big girl pants on, and went to my stylist.  She turned me away from the mirror, buzzed, buzzed and dusted the last of my black and silver locks away.  She finished by tying my Lindsay original chemo/surgical scrub cap (Side Bar - My niece, Lindsay, is just finishing med school and will start her residency this summer in anesthesiology.  She has perfected the best pattern for surgical caps---in her spare time, ha,ha--and was kind enough to make her Krazy Aunt a pair for the upcoming months.  I will wear them with pride.) on so I could do the big reveal at home, just in case there was screaming or tears involved.  No screaming or tears, just glad that part of the "monster under the bed" is done in my treatment.   While I could share pictures of the my with HDS---I am not quite that big of a girl yet.  I will get bolder...until then, I  will be the one with the wig, scarf, cap, etc., trying to not attract attention.   Not sure if Bald is beautiful, but it is one less thing to worry about.  

                                                    This is your shower drain on drugs!


  1. you're so brave... love you momma.

  2. Thank you for sharing yourself with us! You are far too priceless to keep to yourself!


And the Winner is….

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