Sunday, August 25, 2019

How I spent my summer vacation

The most frequently asked question by our Texas friends when we said we were going to the mountains of Western North Carolina for 7 weeks plus the one week driving time going and coming was “Wow, seven weeks just you and Eddie-what are you going to do?” I am quick to answer that we were expecting company and family for part of the time...but how are we spending the rest of our summer away from the heat and humidity of Houston.  Remember we typically spend a month aboard a cruise ship....375 sq ft...with tons of other people.  This is a nice sized house, with lots of wide open spaces, a kitchen and laundry room and I have a car at my disposal.  This is a piece of cake!  It is currently noon time on Sunday, 57 degrees and chilly outside as we have had a front pull through with rain and a real taste of fall...temps that we don’t see until warming aside.  I have on Eddie’s fishing woolen socks (as he has not used them), my comfy stretchy pants and a long sleeved top and am wrapped in a blanket.  So, I thought I would give you a top ten recap of how we are spending our summer vacation...when we are alone.
#10 trout fishing - we came prepared (see previous posts), purchased licenses in two states, hired teachers and guides but have yet to strike out on our own on a daily or weekly basis to fish.  Eddie claims it gives him comfort to know that he has all the things necessary should he get the urge...could I get a better definition on that one.  
Grab those fishing wader, it is getting deep in here.    With the current cool front, fish should be your bets, now. Oddsmaker has this as a long shot 50-1.
#9 perfecting our various recipes for cooking said caught trout...the reality of trout fishing with a guide and some of the streams is that is catch and release.
Our fresh trout comes from catch, keep and pay for fishing at Grandfather’s Trout Farm.  We have caught a total of 13 pounds of fish (cleaned and filleted weight around 6-7 pounds) and had 4 (2 severing per) better than restaurants quality meals off of said fish.  
#8 Eddie’s needlepointing...yes, he brought it along.  He has completed yet another stocking (read 200 man hours) but not without a field trip or five.  We had a couple of earlier trips to the Boone Michael’s for extra thread...including 3-4 pop in to see if they had restocked a particular color...which they had not.  With no Amazon friendly address, we were forced to make an hour drive each way to Hickory where Eddie had figured out by putting said thread in his virtual cart at the Hickory Michael’s that it was in stock.  I knew we were headed for a field trip a couple days out when he announced that he would love to drive to Hickory and perhaps go to the Furniture Mart (60,000 sq feet of furniture) and take a look....for what I asked, since everything downstairs is almost new.  Maybe bedroom furniture for Lauren’s room since he is scheduled to refinish the dresser for Grace and Lucy when he gets back home.  Yeah, right...I know him too is walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...So, we made a trip to Hickory, stopped at the Michael’s, got the thread, no furniture shopping but we had a delightful lunch at a local restaurant in the quaint downtown.  Remember the cool front, there was Texas blinding rain on the way back associated with the incoming front.  Curvy roads, truck wash and cars that did not put on their butt muscles are still sore from the clinching.  So, do I count that as #7 exercising?
#7 working on a Jigsaw puzzle - what cabin adventure would not be complete without working on a 500-1,000 piece puzzle.  Based on the number of random pieces of puzzle I have picked up here (missed by the crack cleaning team) we decided to buy the frustration factor of working a puzzle with missing pieces is not on our agenda.  I am not really a puzzle worker...visual discrimination issues and dyslexia are not characteristics that one wants if they enjoy working a puzzle.  I will breeze by the table add an easy piece and buzz off.  Eddie however can enjoy this activity late into the evening.  I guess he is training for  “the home” as there is always one in the available.  
#6 reading Believe it or not I have been the champion reader on this trip...7 books read, all while sitting outside or on the screened porch.  Funny, I never feel like I can do that at home.  
#5 watching TV -only at night...we enjoy the quiet during the day too much, and besides we went weeks before we knew we could on demand.  We watched the Roger Ailes series with Russell Crowe, jeopardy, wheel of fortune, the news local and national, a little golf, no football —-we will watch college next weekend.  We keep up, but only slightly.
#4 Eating and Meal Planning - we tend to eat out when Company is here, but when we are alone we tend to go out every couple of days to either a favorite or a new place.  As Eddie lives for another fine meal and all, we pick lunch over dinner and usually have a couple of breakfasts or brunch thrown in for good measure.  We normally fix a simple meal here...with lots of fresh farmer market’s produce.  As we are a week from departing, our meal planning is based on what is left in the refrigerator or freezer...kind of like Chopped.  (Food Network Tuesday night—not that we are watching) In your basket is Dino shaped chicken nuggets, the uneaten undesirable flavors of salt water taffy from Mast General Store, cocktail onions, and fresh peaches...what’s for dinner?  
#3 looking at houses, condos, property in the mountains...kinda like boat Fever, just lots more expensive.  Not as expensive as Colorado mind you, but pricey for a second home....that is 19 hours away.  After several of those kind of field trips, I (the bean counter in the family) threw a big old bucket of cold water on that idea...concluding that unless we won the lottery or sold our house in Houston and moved up here full time it was much more cost effective to use the  “annual cost of maintenance” to go for a couple of Months to several destinations around this country.  Good exercise, good conclusion.  So, now I am planning our next adventure...I am feeling the North West calling to me.  
#2 watching/critiquing the construction next door.  The house that shares this property has shown signs of some kind of addition being contemplated since we arrive.  In the last week, work (and rain) has started in earnest...metal roofing material (and people on roofs in lightning storms), gravel, backhoe, bubbas on ladders.  We have sat on the rockers on the front porch and Eddie, our Chief Engineer and Construction guru (see Harvey) has been explaining to me in great detail how they are doing it wrong and the way it should be done.  Never mind he has no idea what the project actual is.  Figure he will eventually wander over there and share his wisdom with them.  Wonder if they want some peach chicken nuggets with taffy onion sauce.  
#1 Not sweating!  Duh!  Whether walking on one of the miles of trails, exploring new places, sitting on the front porch or running errands...we will miss the cool temps, the gentle sound of the breeze through the trees, the flow of the water over the rocks and the smells of the outdoors.  

Well, as the afternoon shows no sign of warming is back to my book and Eddie’s puzzle.  Hard to believe two years ago we were battling the water and rain of Harvey.  

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Making Sausage

It has been said that raising children is like making sausage-it is a very messy process but everyone enjoys the final product.  As parents of now adult children, and grandparents, I can see that say that adage speaks volumes of truth.  Ed and I so enjoy and being with our adult children...our final products.  We see how our hard work on our “recipe” for raising children has paid off.  George and Lauren are their own unique blends, but have some of the same basic ingredients...and as my mother use to often say, “her children were her best work”.  I agree.  During this extended stay in the Mountains of North Carolina, both Lauren and George have relived some of the seasonings (memories) that were added during their childhood.  Childhood memories that may have been a little messy, less Instagram or Facebook noteworthy now, probably a little cheesy in that moment have turned into mellow memories of growing up and being part of our small is part of their final product.  

As grandparents, we can sit back and watch the next generation of sausage being made.  Is it messy?  You betcha!  It is loud, chaotic, exhausting and joyful.  Being the Alphas we are, Ed and I often times have to remind ourselves it is not our sausage and not our recipe...put your spoon (opinions) back in the drawer unless and until it is asked for.  Lauren and Drew are molding their children (sausages) and we are fortunate to be part of the process...  There is a window of time between toddlerhood and middle school when grandparents, aunts and uncles have a unique opportunity to be the Unami (that special flavoring that is not the sweet, sour, salty or bitter-more savory) that gives the sausage that special depth flavor.  After that time, they realize how old we are...our seasoning then may not be as impactful on the final product.  

This last week was a big heaping tablespoon of Unami in the Recipe of Eli, Grace and Lucy.  In this rustic mountain cabin, with furniture that could not be destroyed (but cushions made for great Fort building), we made memories...straight out of both Drew’s and Lauren’s childhoods...We played in the stream by the house for hours, collected and threw rocks and sticks, made believe that Indians (excuse me, Native Americans) had once used the stream and its secret hiding places, caught salamanders (including a toxic one-thanks, wiki) and crawfish in buckets and strainers from the dollar store and sat in chairs in the cool green grass with both sets of grandparents until the sun went down.  There was fishing-guided, unguided, unscripted, and at a trout farm.  Hikes in woods, up mountains, across swing bridges.  There was mining for gems and panning for gold, tomahawk throwing (yes, we let Eli throw a real ax—-he is actually pretty good), and bubble blowing.  Trips to old-time Mast General Store with Candy barrels and old time games and toys.  At night back at the cabin there were puzzles, rubber band guns wars and spontaneous games of Charades accompanied by a lots of giggles and belly laughter.  Drew’s parents came down from Bristol (70 miles north) and we all went to Tweetsie Railroad and Park.  It is some of the seasoning from Drew’s childhood.  All 9 of us made memories there.  Simple old fashioned fun.  Not crowded, not hot, not high tech a little corny in a world that has become far to cynical...a little bit of heirloom seasoning from a kinder simpler time.  Each grandparent took turns riding rides with the three favorites here, not sure which kids had the most fun—the young or oldest.  Ed was thrilled that Grace is a “rider” the faster, higher, dizzier the better.  Tom was already planning on Eli and Grace going to Dollywood their next visit as it is all roller coaster all the time and Kim is not a me.  Ed was all bright eyed at that thought!  Boys will be boys.  

It is Saturday—-Lauren, Drew and the kids are headed back to Hot, Hot, Houston—-our the rustic little cabin is quiet again, our muscles are a little stiffer, the floor a little stickier, but our hearts (and phone cameras) are full of warm and sweet memories...those kisses, hugs and unconditional love that we receive from those three little beings that  make being part of the messy process all worthwhile.  

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Going Local!

Provisioning in the mountains of North Carolina is a wonderful day (or more)long scavenger hunt!  Yeah, there are seven different grocery stores (which includes Wally World) in Boone—-Food Lion (think Brookshire Brothers)
Publix (Florida chain with outlets all over the south), Ingles (Holiday Foods), Harris Teeters (Kroger’s with an East Coast branding, my card works here, no prob) Lowe’s (H-E-B want to be) 2 Natural Grocers (Whole Foods with limp produce, but some brands of gluten free items I like) and WalMart.  There is only one in Blowing Rock-Food I shop in Boone.  Each of these stores has things that the other does not, so depending on what I might need or want, I make lots of trips to Boone for grocery items.  

We have discovered no less than 10 fruit stands(with Vegas, too )-each with their specialities.  This is the country, they don’t take credit cards, so bring cash.  We go to J & M for peaches, blackberries, tomatoes,corn, ginger apples.  While I am there, Eddie likes the Amish bakery store’s dried apples-they remind him of his grandmother’s.  His Mamaw would slice apples from their trees in Mississippi, place them between two window screens then put on the tin barn roof to dry in the hot summer sun.  I like being able to cut out the work and send Eddie into the shop to get his Apple fix...which is a every 5-6 day we are good on the Apple a day thing....guess that is why he is yet to develop his traveling upper respiratory thing.  Before we leave we stop at the snow ball stand and get a snow cone to share.  Wish we could send back some of the Amish outdoor furniture.

Then there is Maw’s.  Maw runs the show.  She is a little country lady with silver helmet hair, that will take you by the arm and introduce you to her produce, baked goods, freezer goods, 7 types of homemade pimento cheese spread, pickles, jams and jellies, eggs, fresh fish filets (no trout-seafood, go figure). She knows each provider and will share stories of don’t have to pay extra for her uncensored reviews.   There is a craft section upstairs-lots of crocheted toilet paper covers, blankets and quilts from the her buddies.  Her grandchildren and family are busy boiling peanuts in a crawfish rig, helping customers with a healthy dose of “Yes, Sir and no, sir.”  No Tats, piercing or flashing of skin -Maw runs a tight ship.  We plan our trips to the far side of Boone for a Thursday, because that when the fresh baked goods and Monrovian ladies chicken pot pies are restocked.  Ed loves the small white meat all chicken and pie crust—-Maw’s is  closed on Monday, because she goes to the beauty parlor then.  She is not there on Sundays, since she is at the church house...but she allows her family members to run the show, as she shared that is one of the busiest days of the week-folks are going back home from their mountain weekend...and all.  Like I have said, folks are really friendly here.  

When we are headed back and forth to Charlotte or points south there are two places we stop.  One has syrup, local honey, crisp apple slices (my favorite), pancake mix, white grits.These are way cheaper than the Amish gals, and Hand made bird house starting a $2.99 each.  The other has fresh plums picked off of Buck’s mountain by the fellow that sells them.  Guess what the kids will have to set up here in our rustic mountain cabin when they come this week?  bird houses...Ask Eddie how many plums in one day are too many...plums are really just undried prunes, right?

We pass by the others, cause we are kinda loyal to our favs.  However, the Saturday Watauga County Farmers Market is hands down my favorite stop of the week.  It is at the Daniel Boone Native Garden/Horn of the West Re-enactment theatre in Boone.  The Saturday market is one of the Largest in the state.   This is what a farmers market should be...nestled in the trees, with permanent wooden shelters which serve as booths for craftsmen when the Re enactment part of the park is open in the evenings.  Fresh flowers, bushel baskets of fresh apples and peaches, tomatoes, 6 kinds of squash,4 kinds of beans, potatoes, onions, 3 colors of carrots, herbs, baked goods, goat cheese, fresh eggs and meats, salad name it...all local and you are talking to the farmer...or his wife or momma.  We have found the sweet spot is 8:30.  The early birds are there for 7:30,  as they are leaving the parking is great by 8:30 and everyone is still well stocked.  I am forever spoiled to this farm to table spot...even have my Market basket.  Going Native. 

On the way back from the Farmers Market is a great time to stop at Sticky Boy Bread Kitchen.  Sticky Boy is where everyone (including most of the restaurants) gets most of the bread/dessert include their dinner rolls...which you have to get before 9:00 in the morning, as they sell out quickly.  
They serve breakfast and lunch, but the bread business is their bread and butter.  Now, if they would just do Gluten Free I would have it made. 

This little piggy went to market...and in North Carolina there a lot of little piggies.  Every menu has at least one pork entree, never mind the bacon, local sausage, livermush (have not gone that local)...every place that serves breakfast or brunch serves Country Ham and Biscuits.  Bojangles (“it Bo time”) a local NC fast food chain serves its morning biscuits with country ham and pimento cheese-🤢 The best by far country ham is done by Goodnight Brothers.  Less salt, no antibiotics, or chemicals, is what most restaurants (except Cracker Barrel) serves.  As we are Southerners and have purchased many of packages of country ham over the last four decades, we feel that we know a prize hog product when we taste it.  Most of the country ham we get in Texas has to be soaked in water before frying it up in the skillet.  Soaked to remove some of the fingers and ankles swell just thinking about it.  Not so with the Goodnight Bros.  It is only available at Harris Tetters. (Aka Kroger’s) and they only stock the center cut pieces.  As we have discovered in our galloping gourmet runs to various restaurants, they make a bacon (BLT with fried green tomatoes) and a prosciutto cut (think arugula, fig, goat cheese with prosciutto flatbread pizza)...but it is not available in less than 24 packages through the home office shipping department.  So, on a recent scavenger hunt, I plugged in the home office address to my trusty phone GPS and paid them a visit.  They really don’t sell from the corporate office, but after sharing stories and last names...she was “Fickle” (no lie) to my “Pickle”, and me being from Texas and all, she allowed me to purchase four packs of bacon and 4 of the prosciutto packs, providing I share my bread and butter pickle recipe with her.  Done.  Told you folks are friendly here.  I seriously doubt these packages will make it home.  However, the packs of center cut...shelf life of 18 ham, stone ground grits, eggs and biscuits will be on the menu when we return.

With Lauren and fam coming tomorrow, I have been provisioning with more sweets than usual.  In our effort to be authentic and all, I am planning a peach cobbler with fresh ice cream for one evening, an apple crumble for another but the kids like cookies.  As Lauren and Grace bake really good cookies, from scratch, I determined that I would try and up my game from the typical break and bakes.  I could use the antique standing Sunbeam mixer...purchasing all the various ingredients...or could just go to the Appalachia Cookie Company.  A store front operation in a off street location right next to the college campus and next to a bar.  Location, Location, Location.  It gets rave reviews including a top 10 cookie in US from Paula Dean.  They  have several rotating flavors, and your order is cooked to order when you place it.  15 minutes wait time if you just walk in...3 flavors of gluten free and one box with parchment between the warm cookies.  What is not to love and during the college school year is open until 12:30 AM...I am so seeing those freshman 15s delivered hot to your dorm room.   There is another option..we could take the kids down the road to a cute little trailer the Blue Deer Cookie and Milk Company...side of road outpost that mixes various cookies with homemade ice cream or with a cold glass of milk, open daily 2-11.  Decisions, Decisions, Decisions.  

I am so sure all of these might exist in my own back yard...but my back yard in Houston is so big!  The temperatures in NC begs you to be outside, exploring, the temps at home have me using apps and picking up my order from the comfort of my AC car...or doing a Fast Eddie and shopping for my recliner.  So for now, we are are all about shopping local!  

Friday, August 9, 2019

Welcome to North Carolina

No, I did not go dark or “ghost” you.  Bigfoot nor bears did not snatch me from the woods of North Carolina.   We have avoided the WalMart and been home by in nothing good happens after midnight...not to mention the roads are just too curvy without street lights for this designated driver.  We have had company for the last 10 days, add in pregame and post cleanup ... you can understand why I have not written.  We welcomed bff of 34 years, Terri,  and George for seperate visits.  While sitting in the woods in 55-75 degree temps are good enough for Eddie and I, friends and family that make the 2 hour and 30 minute flight to Charlotte (or 30 hour return flight, thanks, United-right Terri?) then the 2 hour car Trip North into the mountains—-our guests expect a little more.  While I could bore you with the smallest of details, I will simply recap.

First, an Eddie update...because that is always the nugget of these things.  When I last wrote, Eddie was scheduled for a 2 hour fly fishing lesson at Chelota/Orvis fly school on Tuesday.  Terri arrived Monday-so I had a running buddy for shopping and more importantly, a witness.  We dropped our fisherman off complete with hat, Simms shirt, UV Long sleeved under shirt, zip away pants, rod and reel with his snappy utility vest at 10:00 am.  Terri confirmed that my description pretty much was spot on...all the way down  to what would be said. She even had to sneak a look   at the Tackle Trunk in our bedroom-confirmation.   After 43 years, I know him so well., and really do not embellish the facts.  I just report what is actually happening...truth in journalism no bias, and all that.  While we explored downtown Blowing Rock, climbed said Rock, Eddie worked on his new hobby.  The lesson was more of a 2.5 hour deal, so we walked the grounds and took pictures and videos of baby swans, ducks, geese and Eddie, of course.  He left with renewed confidence and homework to practice.  Eddie would not make a good musician, athlete or anything that required daily practice—-the rod has remained in its case since the lesson 2 weeks ago.  I have watched from the kitchen window him visualizing and making the arm motion from his rocking chair on the porch-guess that counts.  Kinda like the kid playing air guitar or drums, right?  In fact, last evening while in cocktail hour discussions, he admitted that he liked my old school dad reel with automatic take up better than his fancy light weight aluminum reel.  duh! They do not make the heavy thing I like anymore, everything is uber light weight so you can pack in to remotes locations..yeah, that is so Eddie...snicker, snicker.  Today, he is planning to assemble the rod and practice....will let you know if that happens.  

Beard update —- I am thinking he can get part time work during the holidays at the Mall ðŸŽ… I drew the line on Man Bun so he had a $10 senior day special haircut at the Great Clips yesterday as the Spa/Salon wanted $50.  

So, on to our visitors and their adventures-highlight reel.  When planning any visit, either for Eddie and I or for others, food and an eating schedule is part of the package, North C is no exception.  Last year we were blown away at the Blowing Rock restaurants-better than good food at a fairly reasonable price.  This year, as my mother would say, “it is just not as good as it was last time”.  I gave our visitors web links to the best and allowed them to select and made reservations accordingly, except for Sunny Rock our favorite, always consistent breakfast hash house....always a line out the door, best omelettes in town....we are not open on Sundays and do not take reservations, dogs welcome on patio, thank ya’ll for come in.
10 days, 7 different restaurants, and only one repeat.  Funny, that one was our favorite last year.  With 2 visits within a 4 day time frame, it has been moved down the list-inconsistent and not worth the drive to get there...oh well.  I think we must be getting to that age and stage-too rich, too much food, too expensive-let’s just fix something light at home.  

While the town of Blowing Rock is textbook charming with shopping, centuries old churches, well manicured flowers and landscape and groomed hiking trails, you can do it in a day.  Boone is a college town, while is has some shopping, it is more second hand stores, tat parlors and a number of beer microbreweries—-you can see which guest chose which adventure.  After that it is a butt in the bucket drive to explore the region.  While the mileage from our little cabin the woods to destinations beyond indicate 20 miles, it is a 45 minute trip...anything over 50, Plan two hours to make the drive.  

As Terri had never heard/been to of Biltmore (the largest privately held residence in the US), we spent a long day traveling there and back.  In hindsight, should have probably booked a room so we could have explored the town of Asheville which has grown into quite the destination.  But leaving Eddie alone, careless with only his fly gear...probably not a good thing.  Biltmore—-Truly a step back in time...too bad we were two months too early for Downton Abbey meets Biltmore.  We could just see the Crawley family et al moving about the grand house.  While Eddie would have joined us, as he is a big fan of these old homes, Downton A and all things early 20th century, he stayed home to practice his fly technique...yeah, right.  He has been feverishly working on yet another needlepoint stocking...and as the various Christmas shops remind us Christmas is a mere 130+ days from now.  

As for George’s long day travel, he chose a white water rapid trip down the Nolichucky River-in Tennessee.  What can I say, we have discovered that most fishing or water related pursuits are not here in our immediate area.  Yes, there is water, lake creeks, brooks and such, but to get moving water for stand in the stream all Orvis style or find Class III and above rapids, your butt will be in a vehicle for at least hour or more each way.  While I could have joined George...ha ha, that boat, ship or raft has sailed...I chose to go to Jonesboro, Tennessee a 25 minute drive from Ervin (put in point).  Jonesboro is the oldest town in Tennessee so it has the quaint and historical thing going on.  As this was a George adventure—5 breweries, 3 wineries-I decided to stop at J’s Tennessee Hills Distillery to see about the local liquor.  Hey, my great grandfather was a designated Jack Daniel moonshiner during prohibition (which started in Tennessee in 1910)meaning Lem Motlow (one of Jack’s Nephews) got local moonshiners to make Jack Daniel’s to-keep the market alive.  Yeah, proud moment in my family tree for sure.  Tennessee Hills is probably never going to reach the level of quality as JackD—-more of the moonshiner without a good recipe. Growing up in North Alabama close to the Tennessee state line, there were Public service commercials reminding folks that they could go blind by consuming liquor from illegal stills....yup, it was like that.  #nosale #firewater

If you did not know it, North Carolina is the Trout fishing capital of the world.  One would assume that there are plenty of said trout ready for purchase in the various grocery stores.  Nope, we have looked...until yesterday when we stumbled upon Lowe’s Grocery...yeah, that Lowe’s as in Big Blue Hardware Store.  Lowe’s the hardware store originated in this area, and the son of Lowe’s decided to be the H-E-Butts of NC instead of going into dad’s lumber business.  It is a good store, not H-E-B mind you, but proudly full of local procured items.   After traveling the byways...not to be confused with interstates or limited access highway—-farm to market here is much more a thing than you could ever imagine.  There are more produce stands, fresh bread, cookie, ham processing, apple orchards,jam and pickle, local honey,  cheese and butter companies,  here than there are Mexican restaurants in Kingwood/humble.  As a sign on one place said “if we did not grow it, we know who did” ...I believe they speak the truth.  ‘Cos everyone here is friendly and will tell you a story if you look half way interested.  
As for trout, I guess it is a catch your own kind of thing,  we (meaning Eddie and I) have looked.  We did discover a Trout Pond (reasonably close 15 miles/28 minutes butt in bucket time-one way) through the various tourist maps and brochure stands.  Eddie reasoned that they would have trout (ABC-already been caught) filets available at this fine facility for sale.  So, as it was located closely to the Grandfather Winery (yes, on the George destination list), George and I grabbed our frozen water bottle ice packs, insulated cooler and were off for another adventure.  

Back in the day when the kids were small, we took them up Loop 494 around New Caney to Beaver Lake (a stocked lake) to experience fishing—-the only way to make someone a fisherman is for them to catch fish early and often.  It was a small lake/pond a little rough, but reasonably safe. While it did time a later as a nudist camp, it is now again a private fishing lake...complete with high green fencing left from the nudist colony days.  Well, this adventure was kinda like that only the three ponds were smaller...all together maybe the size of Fosters Mill Duck pond.  No nudists, but it was an authentic country experience....George and I both heard Banjo music.  Obviously, Trout don’t care if the pond is crowded...or deep....or scenic or odor free.  We could see tons of large rainbow, brook, brown trout swimming in the current in each of two open ponds...number 3 was closed.  The NC State Hatchery comes weekly to provide the fishing experience...trout in, trout out, repeat.  There is old school bookkeeping to report daily numbers....hash mark four, diagonal slash equals five fish out.  Nope, we don’t sell trout filets, you catch ‘em, we clean ‘em, we provide the fishing equipment, bait -3 worms and a serving spoon for Green Giant can corn kernels, pay/filleted when weighed.  So, for the next 20 or so minutes, we fished for our dinner.  6.5 pounds of rainbow trout, 2 fish, and a big ole grin on George’s face with his 3.5 pound trout Facebook moment...we had our dinner for the evening along with a repeat dinner for Eddie and I last night.  Grilled or panfried-Best meal so far.  

We are currently regrouping/provisioning for Lauren/Drew and kids.  Our adventures will change, but the delightful weather will not.  We continue to discover new places and things daily, so we are never bored.  I will end on a funny Karen story...for the 2 plus weeks before Terri arrived, we assume that our cabin had only basic cable.  We were thankful to have cable and great internet...never mind that the Spectrum Cable remote (looks a lot like Comcast) had a big green “on demand” button displayed in the center of said remote.  Since we really don’t watch TV during the day, we were satisfied with network news, Jeopardy and ET! Followed by and hour or so of history channel, PBS or something that we found that would work until bedtime.  Heck, I even went video diving in the $3 bin at WalMart (before ElPaso, or Mississippi incidents) to make sure the kids would not be bored.  A couple nights into her visit, we accidentally hit the Green On Demand our surprise (yes, three adults wide eyed looking at each other with surprise) we have a full deck of premium channels and videos.  darn!  Too bad I had taken the wrappers off all of the videos.  

According to my Channel 2 weather app, Frank said it is hotter than usual for August in Houston—-now there is a surprise, not.  Stay safe, drink plenty of liquids, and water plants and pets.  We will be continue to be on the porch rockers, watching early signs of leaf changes. 


And the Winner is….

Not that thing…best oyster according to Eddie, silly you.  After exhaustive research from the coastal waters of Maine to the rain soaked s...